Mumbai Stampede ...... Time of Introspection for everyone !!!!!!!!

I usually don't post or comment on matters but today I couldn't hold myself ..
The tragic incidence today at Elphiston Parel bridge reflects the failure of railway administration on provision of good infrastructure and the evident load on current one but more than that its failure on part of humanity .
Now everyone will get into Blame game naming shaming government , authorities etc etc .. but we don't need apologies , we don't need debates ,we need what we needed in first place the bridge expansion or another bridge to divide the load, it's no point blaming and then getting quite if the result is not there. Punishments should be given in parallel but the focus should be to recognise the problem and solve it not mere discuss it.
Also incidences such as theft in such cases, creating unnecessary panic for fun or mere ignoring the plight of others , writing numbers on forehead of bodies , hooliganism instead of helping the needy this all reflects how insensitive , inhuman we have became and how trivial human life has became off late.
No nation no government is perfect and I am not defending anyone they are majorly responsible and should be punished but so are the people who doesn't look at fellow passengers as one of them , instead of giving a hand to fallen they prefer walking over the person , instead of staying away and waiting they add to commotion , if you can't help don't create problems at least , office can wait , being late to home is fine , and definitely not at the cost of someone's life.
We need more empathy , compassion , we need to be more like humans and not animals.
I just like to end it saying just treat others the way you would want to be treated , if you can't help don't create problems , if you can't lend a hand don't overstep a fallen person , if you see someone in need if you can't help atleast ask someone else to , cause it can be you , it can be one of yours , after all we are humans and that is what makes us humans else we are just another species in animal kingdom
